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Attendance Management

Vijay Khollam edited this page May 6, 2024 · 12 revisions

Problem Statement

Organizations need a robust system to track and manage the attendance of individuals across various contexts (e.g., events, classes). This system must handle diverse scenarios, ensure accuracy, and support contextual data.


To address these needs, we propose a centralized database to record attendance, which accommodates a variety of data points including user details, attendance status, and related metadata. This system will be designed to support scalability and flexibility in terms of different attendance contexts.


The solution involves the implementation of a comprehensive attendance management system encapsulated within a microservice architecture. This system will allow for real-time tracking of attendance data, provide insights through analytics, and offer the flexibility to integrate with other systems via APIs.

DB Design

Table: Attendance

The Attendance table is designed to store attendance records with contextual data and user information. Here is the schema for managing the database:

Schema Definition

Columns and Constraints

Column Name Data Type Description Default Value Constraints Indexes
attendanceId uuid Unique identifier for the attendance record gen_random_uuid() Unique Unique Index on attendanceId
attendance character varying Status of attendance (e.g., 'present', 'absent') None None None
remark character varying Optional remarks about the attendance record None None None
image character varying Optional field to store image data or references None None None
contextId uuid Context ID associated with the attendance None None None
contextType character varying Type of context (e.g., 'class', 'event') None None None
createdAt timestamp with time zone Timestamp when the record was created now() None None
updatedAt timestamp with time zone Timestamp when the record was last updated now() None None
tenantId uuid Tenant's ID, foreign key None Foreign Key referencing Tenants table None
userId uuid User's ID marked for attendance, foreign key, NOT NULL None Foreign Key referencing Users table, Part of PK, NOT NULL None
attendanceDate date Date of attendance, NOT NULL now() None
latitude double precision Geographical latitude where the attendance was recorded None None None
longitude double precision Geographical longitude where the attendance was recorded None None None
createdBy uuid ID of the user who created the attendance record None
updatedBy uuid ID of the user who last updated the attendance record None None None