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Cohort Management

souravbhowmik1999 edited this page May 8, 2024 · 9 revisions

Problem Statement

The system requires a mechanism to manage cohorts, which are groups of users with different contexts, and track the members within each cohort. Additionally, it needs to maintain a record of the roles assigned to each user within a cohort.


We will design and implement a database schema to store information about cohorts and their members. This schema will include tables for cohorts and cohort members. The database design will be optimized for efficient querying and management of cohort-related data.


  • Cohort Table: This table will store information about cohorts, including their unique identifiers, names, types, creation timestamps, and other relevant metadata.
  • Cohort Members Table: This table will maintain records of cohort memberships, specifying the association between users and cohorts, along with timestamps for creation and updates.

DB Design

Cohort Table

Column Name Data Type Description
cohortId UUID Primary key
name VARCHAR Name of the cohort
type VARCHAR Type of the cohort
parentId UUID ID of the parent cohort (if any)
image VARCHAR Path to an image associated with the cohort
tenantId UUID Foreign key referencing the Tenants table
createdBy UUID ID of the user who created the cohort
updatedBy UUID ID of the user who last updated the cohort
createdAt TIMESTAMP Timestamp indicating when the cohort was created
updatedAt TIMESTAMP Timestamp indicating when the cohort was last updated
params JSONB The parameters, such as attendanceCaptureEnabled, will be stored in JSON format under 'params'.
status BOOLEAN Indicates whether the cohort is active or not

Cohort Members Table

Column Name Data Type Description
cohortMembershipId UUID Primary key
cohortId UUID Foreign key referencing the Cohort table
userId UUID Foreign key referencing the Users table
createdBy UUID ID of the user who created the membership
updatedBy UUID ID of the user who last updated the membership
createdAt DATE Date when the membership was created
updatedAt DATE Date when the membership was last updated

This design will allow for efficient management of cohorts and their members, providing a robust solution for organizing and tracking users within different contexts.

Cohort Management

Generic Field Entity with FieldValues


ER Final 2