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CCPP Framework Governance

ligiabernardet edited this page Jan 3, 2019 · 7 revisions


Both NOAA and NCAR have been engaged in efforts to unify the models within their organizations. NOAA has tasked the Global Model Test Bed with implementing the CCPP, a model-independent library of physical parameterizations, containing both operational and developmental suites, that can be used in all Unified Forecast System (UFS) applications. The CCPP has two components: the CCPP-physics, which comprises the actual parameterizations, and the CCPP Framework, which enables their connection to host models. Recently, NCAR reviewed the CCPP Framework and will will work to develop it as a key component of the new SIMA project for unifying several physics among WRF, MPAS, and CESM models.

What is being governed

This governance applies to the model agnostic framework for the Common Community Physics Package (CCPP), a code referred to as CCPP framework. The CCPP framework was initially developed by GMTB under the auspices of the NGGPS Program. This governance is being established to acknowledge that additional groups will be contributing to and using the CCPP framework, and therefore need to have input in the developmental process. The CCPP framework source code currently resides at

Scope of governance committee

The role of the governance body is to Review, provide feedback on, and approve new design documents and design changes Review, provide feedback on, and approve framework code changes Provide test cases and testing resources as necessary to ensure compatibility, viability, and correctness of all proposed code changes

Approval by at least one member of each funding agency is required for the acceptance of new code. While the governing body may suggest new or revised requirements for the CCPP framework itself, approval of requirements for the CCPP framework is beyond the scope of this governance and is done by the funding agencies. The governance committee is aware of the needs and direction provided by the funding agencies. The governance described in this document pertains to the active development phase, and may evolve as the CCPP Framework matures.

Governance body and composition

The CCPP Framework is governed by a committee that represents the parties and organizations that contribute to planning and developing the CCPP framework, with the intention of implementing it in their models. Currently those include NOAA and NCAR.

The CCPP Framework governance committee has a chair that rotates every two years. The role of the chair is to work with the committee to a) establish, publish, and update as needed the procedures for development; b) enforce the procedures for development; c) coordinate code releases.

Proposed Technical Committee Members:

  • Representative of NCAR-funded projects
    • Primary: Steve Goldhaber (NCAR CGD)
    • Backup: Michael Duda (NCAR MMM)
  • Representative of NOAA-funded projects
    • Primary: Dom Heinzeller (GMTB at GSD) - initial chair
    • Backup: Laurie Carson (GMTB at NCAR)

Procedures for development

A Developer’s Guide will be listed in a public wiki at and can be altered by the governance committee The Developer’s Guide will include, among others topics:

  • Overview of CCPP (current requirements, design, and implementation schedule)
  • Coding guidelines
  • Developmental workflow (how to obtain, modify, and submit innovations for review and commit to master code)
  • Protocols for reviewing code submissions
  • Testing requirements to accompany code submissions
  • How to report bugs
  • How to request new features in the CCPP Framework
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