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Releases: PapenfussLab/gridss


17 May 02:51
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  • Improved assembly error recovery
  • Fixed incorrect assembly graph width calculation.


11 May 01:11
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Usability improvements:

  • Reporting MAPQ > 60 as warning. Such values are typically from aligners that do follow the SAM specifications when reporting MAPQ
  • Updated example script with java version check, and default hg19 blacklist
  • INPUT_CATEGORY (IC) command-line arguments are now 1-based to match downstream analysis using the StructuralVariantAnnotation package

Additional VCF outputs:

  • Reporting inexact homology lengths (max 300bp in either direction) in IHOMLEN field
  • Using PARID instead of MATEID when writing VCF output

Performance improvements:

  • Retaining cache of memoized paths between contig calls
  • Removing partial misassembled contigs (too long to be valid breakend) during assembly instead of as post-assembly filter
  • Not assembling when local graph complexity exceeds threshold (default threshold is 400 time median complexity of 500x coverage WGS sequencing).

Bug fixes/correctness improvements:

  • Using language-independent locale
  • Improved breakpoint positioning when inexact homology is present
  • Incorporating RP/OEA anchor reads into assembly to enable longer assembly into the reference-supporting bases
  • More conservative path collapse during assembly


19 Feb 04:43
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Minor quality of life release

  • --version now reports the version number
  • Reduced log spam from metric and extraction steps (now only write log message every 10,000,000 read)
  • Added default minimum event size of 32bp to reduce default output size. Configurable using variantcalling.minSize
  • Graceful handling of invalid read alignments containing an insertion or deletion at the start or end of a read


05 Jan 03:09
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This release contains a number of significant enhancements. Most important are:

  • Handling of indels within read and assembly alignments (improved small event detection performance)
  • Multiple scoring models. Alternative variant scoring models can be chosen by advanced users
  • Added VcfBreakendToReadPair utility to help visualise calls
  • Updated to htsjdk 2.0.1 for CRAM support
  • Various bug fixes including correcting breakpoint orientation of spanned assembly compound events


09 Dec 04:50
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Assembly support now tracks unlimited input categories
Bug fix for ASSR and ASRP sometimes being different at the local and remote side of an assembly
Added scripts and instructrions required to generate figures in GRIDSS paper


23 Nov 00:34
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Added default filter to exclude variants with assembly only support from default call set
Bug fixes


04 Nov 12:27
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This version contains a number of features designed to improve usability including:

  • simplified command line arguments - gridss algorithm parameters are now in their own properties file
  • Unbounded number of input categories can be supplied - multi-sample analysis can now be done with more than just two categories
  • ability to supply filter bed blacklist to improve assembly time by ignoring problematic centromeric
  • In-process calling of external aligner during realignment steps - a wrapper script no longer needed
  • bwa now supported as the external aligner during realignment steps
  • LOW_QUAL filter added make default output usable without additional downstream filtering
  • jar packaging and automatic loading of


29 Sep 15:00
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Crash bug fix: SINGLE_ASSEMBLY filter call


27 Aug 05:53
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Initial release of precompiled binaries