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Matt McCormack edited this page Jan 13, 2025 · 1 revision

In Sites & Labs you have the possibility to manage sites/laboratories/locations that are attached to a configuration.

In this form you have the possibility to enter metadata about the location and the description of a location. Also a graphical tool for entering geo-coordinates is available to you for this purpose.

Create new Site or Lab

To create a new site, just click on the green New Site / Lab - button in the 'Sites & Labs' tab. A new window opens with the two pages to be edited, Basic Data and Contacts.

Basic Data

A label must be assigned to specify the location.

The Usage and Type fields are specific categories to characterize the area and use a controlled vocabulary. You can enter a description of the location to better classify the use or give a link to another website.

In the below part you can enter a specific address of the site or your laboratory.

Moreover, you can draw a point or a polygon on a map. To do this, use the world map in the middle part of the form. You can set markers by clicking on the map. Repeated clicking allows you to draw a polygon. The coordinates appear automatically under the map and can also be edited there.

When you have filled out all required fields click on the green Create button to save the site/lab.


In this field you can assign persons which relate to your site/lab and can give them specific roles.

Edit, Copy, Archive Sites or Labs

You can edit sites by opening them using the View button. If you are authorized, you can then use the blue Edit button to change the desired entries.

Copying and archiving sites are possible via selection menu in the overview of existing entries.
