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Shay Kalyan edited this page Aug 26, 2014 · 54 revisions
## Group Details

More details of each group member's responsibilities could be found at Roles and Responsibilities.

Member Github ID UPI UoAID Role
Hugo Bateman hbateman hbat205 5602043 ROS Planning, Stage
James Butler JmsBtlr111 jbut052 1487690 ROS Planning, Stage
Matthew Chiam mchi112 mchi112 1857129 Events Developer, Marketing
Bert Huang bert-huang ihua164 5503504 ROS Architect
Akshay Kalyan (Leader) xShay akal881 5786866 Project Manager
Tommy Ngo TommySAAS hngo423 5647137 Navigation Developer
Michael Shafer mshafer msha356 5761394 Roslaunch and Build Script Developer
Nicholas Weatherburn nweatherburn nwea171 2692661 Navigation Developer

Meeting Times

Day and time of scheduled meetings during the week are listed below. Additional meetings are organised as required.

  1. Mondays 9am
  2. Tuesdays 9am
  3. Wednesdays 9am
  4. Thursdays 10am
  5. Fridays 10am
## Meeting Minutes

Wednesday 27th August, 2014

  • Present:
    • Akshay, Bert, Matthew, Michael, Nick, Tommy, Hugo, James


  • Reviewed progress over past day
    • GUI nearly completed
    • EscortRobot is functional
  • Plan the presentation, practice presenting tomorrow at 1pm.
  • Group needs to update the project plan
  • Group will all work on testing their functionality (High priority)
  • We need to prepare to answer questions on our weakest points
  • James is working on the robot designs
  • James is going to make a world file wiki page
  • Nick will add close enough functionality

Action Items

Member Task
Hugo Finish GUI
Bert Work on scheduler
Matt, Shay Merge pull requests and create slides
Michael Dependency scripts
James Work on robot designs and world file wiki
Nick Add 'close enough' functionality, Maze
Tommy Create class diagram
Tommy Create stats for presentation (# of commits, pulls, issues, diagrams)
Everyone Test test test, update timesheets + Roles and Responsibilities
Everyone Prepare for your respective section of the presentation

Tuesday 26th August, 2014

  • Present:
    • Akshay, Bert, Matthew, Michael, Nick, Tommy, Hugo, James


  • Reviewed progress over past day
  • Robot implementation progress
    • Select number of robots remain to be completed. Will have these ready to merge into develop by the end of the day
    • Friend, Relative, Companionship are awaiting pulls
  • Current progress on testing
    • Decided to have Acceptance Testing wiki page
  • Drafted final demo presentation outline
    • Intro: include brief overview alpha
    • Demo:
      • Overview core functionality
      • General class of robots
      • Scheduler: weight system, concurrency, priorities etc.
    • Innovative features:
      • GUI:
        • Review (showcase features: dice rollers, ongoing tasks, current robot status, form)
        • Inject event (ILL or VERY_ILL)
      • 3D Model
      • Dynamic Pathfinding. Maze(?)

Action Items

Member Task
Hugo Finish GUI
Bert Implement resident movement and query of resident's new location point
Matt Merge pull request
Michael Complete Nurse robot, fix performTask bug
James Add TV, Toilet, carpet(?)
Everyone Finish individual robots, update timesheets

Monday 25th August, 2014

  • Present:
    • Akshay, Bert, Matthew, Michael, Nick, Tommy, Hugo, James


  • Navigation
    • Should robots interfere with inanimate objects? Decision is No.
    • If robot finds itself out-of-bounds, move towards (0, 0)
    • Resident to have scheduled movement between rooms with a task weight of 2
  • Robot Implementation
    • Everyone base your robot implementation off of Matthews original.
    • Make sure you reference your issue number in commits.
    • UML class diagram
  • GUI
    • Possible Usability test?
    • Launch button
  • Tests
    • For any tests pushed to develop, document in Wiki and ask Matt to review for consistent styling
  • Final Presentation
    • Everyone think about how you have contributed
    • Display more functionality, Nick's Maze showcase

Action Items

Member Task
Hugo Finish GUI
Bert UML class diagram
Matt Review event scheduling wiki session, UML class diagram
Michael Update the task dictionary
James Add inanimate objects to world
Everyone Finish individual robots, update timesheets

Friday 22st August, 2014

  • Present:

    • Akshay, Bert, Matthew, Michael, Nick, Tommy, Hugo
  • Absent:

    • James (Explained)


  • Visitor:
    • 2 Caregivers:
    • 1 dedicated for feed/eat
    • 1 dedicated for shower, exercise, conversation, moral support
    • 2 Friends: 1 has already implemented
    • 2 Relatives: 1 has already implemented
    • 1 Doctor: for very ill event
    • 2 Nurses: for ill event
  • Assistant:
  • Depend on Resident events:
    • Wake up event: all robot will go to the house
    • Sleep event: all robot will leave the house
  • 1 Cook:
    • 3 POIs: Outside the house, initial position, stove
  • 1 Medication:
    • 3 POIs: Outside the house, initial position, resident
  • 1 Entertain:
    • 3 POIs: Outside the house, initial position, resident
  • 1 Companionship:
    • 3 POIs: Outside the house, initial position, resident -GUI:
  • Move DiceRollers to the bottom of the GUI ==> expanding the GUI
  • Add schedule fields: current and next
  • Navigation:
  • Working but how some bugs eg: Sometimes robot moves in werid fashion before going to the right track
  • Look into the angle of the robot turning to avoid altinate the angle while moving
  • Dragging the robot while moving:
  • Still looking for a feasible method
  • Michael is looking into how to interrupt the resident task when there is an ill or very ill event
  • Shay updates the benefit section
  • Tommy mentions if there is a major change in the develop branch, make sure to mention it in slack.
  • Shay mentions there is a small bug in the DiceRoller. Matthew will look into it.
  • Tommy mentions everyone needs to do their own tests for the robots they create.
  • Shay mentions everyone needs to update their minute tasks frequently

Action Items

Member Task
Hugo Working on the GUI as well as implement Entertainment robot
Matt Looking into the small bug in DiceRoller. Also, implement 1 Friend and 1 Relative robots
Nick Working on the Navigation, and angle of the robot while it is moving. Also impmlement 1 caregiver dedicated for feed/eat and 1 Cook robot
Shay Update wiki benefit section. Also implement Companionship robot
Tommy Looking into making tests for the Friend and Relative robots. Also implement caregiver dedicated for shower, exercise, comversation, moral
Bert Implement 2 Nurse robots
Michael Looking into how to interrupt the resident tasks when there is ill event or very ill event. Also implement Doctor robot
James Implement Medication robot
Everyone Update minite in wiki. Make your own test.

Thursday 21st August, 2014

  • Present:

    • Akshay, Bert, Matthew, Michael, Nick, Tommy, Hugo
  • Absent:

    • James (Explained)


  • Nick gave update on navigation. All bits except Djikstra's are implemented, should be working by Friday 22 August 2014.
  • Matt discussed the POI "interface" structure, with two implementations for Resident and StaticPoi
  • Shay and Bert demoed the new Scheduler behaviour. Events can have "weights" which determine concurrency requirements. We define the maximum weighting of events allowed at any one time (e.g 2). Then events may or may not be scheduled based on their weight:
    • Events with weight 0 are independent of other events and can always be scheduled.
    • Events with weight 1 or 2 may be scheduled if there is room for them
  • Nick is excited about the above scheduling system
  • Hugo drew up mockups for the GUI.

Action Items

Member Task
Hugo Get dropdowns working in the GUI. Assign colour combinations to the helper robots and add this info to the GUI.
Matt Write a "how to create a new robot" page on the wiki. Finalise POI classes. Create Dice Rollers.
Nick, Michael Get Djikstra's working for navigation.
Shay Update wiki documentation, project plan.
Tommy Sublass Assistant after Matt has finished work on POIs

Wednesday 20th August, 2014

  • Present:
    • Akshay, Bert, Matthew, Michael, Nick, Tommy, James, Hugo


  • Discussed ROStest. Michael managed to get it working.
  • Discussed adding or updating any new part of the simulation. GUI, Gazebo etc.
  • Discussed navigation. Nick's current estimate is that it is 2 days from being done.
  • Scheduler has been updated, about to create pull request.
  • Matt has finished dice roller tests.
  • Class hierarchy currently waiting on navigation to be implemented. Decided to implement without navigation and turn off collisions.
  • Discussed trimming edges in stage as it causes some misalignment.
  • Discussed adding documentation on what we're testing. Short descriptions on each of our test suits.
  • Discussed what aspects to add to the GUI. Decided to look into showing tasks being performed by different robots, display the schedulers queue, have buttons which can inject certain events.
  • Went over how the scheduler is currently implementing scheduling with the queue.
  • Discussed how to implement medical robots. Where will they go when not needed? No conclusions reached.

Action Items

Member Task
Hugo Work on GUI
Bert, Shay Update scheduler, Clearing events queue when asleep etc.
James Continue on Gazebo integration into the build
Nick, Michael Implement dynamic navigation and Point of Interest class
Shay Update wiki documentation
Tommy, Matthew Class Hierarchy

Tuesday 19th August, 2014

  • Present:
    • Akshay, Bert, Matthew, Michael, Nick, Tommy, James, Hugo
  • Absent:
    • Hugo


  • Gazebo: Still exploring ideas with using an alternate player, however the navigation team is "90%" confident that they are able to implement dynamic navigation using Stage. More research is required, therefore first focus of navigation will still be using Stage.
  • Gtest: Working successfully now by incorporating Matthew's suggestion of linking libraries via CMakeLists. Rostest still needs to be integrated to test ROS specific elements.
  • Class Structure: Tommy and Matthew have carried out first iteration of creating a class structure. Currently a Robot superclass along with a Resident subclass are working and stable against the Alpha build. Suggestions made by the team to further abstract logic such as the Node handles higher up in the hierarchy.
  • Prepared for weekly WIP presentation

Action Items

Member Task
Tommy, Matt Re-factor current hierarchy to further abstract logic
Bert, Shay Further tidy up Scheduler
James Continue on Gazebo integration into the build
Nick Implement dynamic navigation and Point of Interest class
Michael Get rostest to work

Monday 18th August, 2014

  • Present:
    • Akshay, Bert, Matthew, Michael, Nick, Tommy, James, Hugo


  • Updates:

    • Navigation: Shouldn't be affected much by Gazebo
    • Gazebo: Models are drag and drop
    • Gtest: Still having issues. Gtest complains about undefined methods. Matt suggested to modify the CMakeLists to link libraries.
    • Class Structure: Parents proposed by Bert include Event Trigger Decorator, Robot, DiceRoller Listener and Point Of Interest. Matt argues that Robot is the only one we should implement as the rest are solved by the Publisher/Subscribe model.
  • We wanted to see which events are scheduled and which are random:

    • Shower - Cleanliness (sched)
    • Eating - Hunger (sched)
    • Exercise - Fitness (sched)
    • Conversation - Loneliness (sched)
    • Moral Support - Happiness
    • Take Medication - Health (sched)
    • Sleeping - Tiredness (sched)
    • Entertainment - Amusement
    • Become Ill - Health
    • Become Really Ill - Health
  • Python GUI needs to display time of day.

Action Items

Member Task
Tommy, Matt Do Robot class ASAP
Bert, Shay FixedTimeEventPublisher. Change speed of day with ros frequency variable.
James Continue on Gazebo
Hugo Python GUI
Presentations Nick (recap), James (current), Hugo (future), Shay (difficulties)
Nick Think of how to abstract navigation to Robot class
Michael Get gtest to work

Friday 15th August, 2014

  • Present:
    • Akshay, Bert, Matthew, Michael, Nick, Tommy, James, Hugo


  • Checked if deleted Git branches are recoverable
    • Bert has a copy, will re-push to Github
  • Reflected on leadership, group dynamics, alpha demo.
    • All members give green light
    • Suggestion: make individually assigned roles clearer before proceeding with plans
    • Suggestion: meet less frequently, focus on good communication on Slack where possible, ensure meetings are well-focused
  • Assigned tasks to be carried out over the weekend, see Action Items below.

Action Items

Member Task
Bert Push previously-deleted branches back to GitHub
Matt, Tommy, Bert Investigate class hierarchy to move forward
Michael Develop gtests. Investigate rostest
Hugo, James Investigate feasibility of Gazebo as replacement for Stage
Hugo, Shay Investigate Python GUI for displaying system state on screen.
Nick Develop navigation further

Thursday 14th August, 2014

  • Present:
    • Akshay, Bert, Matthew, Michael, Nick, Tommy, James, Hugo


  • Friday Demo format finalized:
    • Intro (Shay)
    • Run script (Michael)
    • House (James + Hugo)
    • Navigation (Nick + Tommy)
    • Communications + Scheduling (Shay + Bert)
    • Random Events (Matthew)
    • Integration (Michael)
    • Post-Alpha (Hugo)
    • GitHub (Nick)
    • Conclusion (Matthew)
  • Agreed on using Google Test (gtest) for ROS unit tests

Action Items

Member Task
Tommy Implement resident graphical behaviour
Hugo + James Update house design evolution wiki page
Everyone Update roles + responsibilities wiki page
Nick Readme update to include technical details
Everyone Update task timesheet
Everyone Send non-coding tasks to Nick
James Update world file
Hugo Make ROSINFO messages uniform and prefixed with the sender node ie [Visitor]
Everyone Write tests for modules

Wednesday 13th August, 2014

  • Present:
    • Akshay, Bert, Matthew, Michael, Nick, Tommy, James, Hugo


  • James and Hugo pushed new world file
    • Had trouble with rouge lines being drawn across the screen when drawing robots
  • Michael successfully merged the build files.
    • Robot now successfully recognising request for entertainment
    • Now turns around and provides entertainment without needing to travel all the way back to its original position
  • Presentation: Showcase:
    • Decided which components to showcase for the presentation
    • Decided what to talk about for 'looking ahead'.
  • Decided that Thursday presentation will run in a similar way to how it has in previous weeks.
  • Alpha presentation:
    • Practice on Thursday, 1pm onwards
    • Make sure slides are well synchronized with presentation
    • Have multiple computers ready as backups
    • Keep important places bookmarked.
  • Discussed merging with main development branch
  • James will be away in Queenstown from 21st - 24th August
  • Decided to meet 4-5 on Friday
  • Decided everyone should go over alpha and try to fix any issues.

Action Items

Member Task
Everyone Go over alpha and try to fix any issues
Alpha Presenters Get main points together and send them through to Matt
Hugo and James work on inserting bitmaps into world file

Tuesday 12 August, 2014

  • Present:
    • Akshay, Bert, Matthew, Michael, Nick, Tommy, James, Hugo


  • Review progress made in the design of robots
  • Discussed upcoming presentations
    • Thursday Weekly Presentation
      • Michael, Tommy and Bert presenting
      • Outline
        • Update on progress (Michael): People had their own prototypes which combine and evolve into the alpha
        • Current Tasks (Michael): Finalising the project plan and GitHub pages. Finalising alpha presentation.
        • Future tasks (Bert): Funneling ideas over-time, choosing and implementing the best ideas well. Group dynamics review.
        • Difficulties (Tommy): 30min for the alpha, dynamic navigation.
    • Friday Demo
      • Akshay, James, Hugo, Nick and Matthew presenting the key slides.
      • Tommy to handle the computer used for presentation.
      • Outline (Shay)
        • Intro: Introducing team, leader etc
        • Outline Project Goals: How we are developing a design that represents excellent healthcare simulation
        • Alpha Goals: What we seek to do for the alpha for the client's benefit
        • Design Decision: What designs did we want to showcase in the alpha and why. What didn't make the cut?
      • Alpha (James + clicker Tommy)
        • Step through features, linking the debugger with Stage and using rqt_graph to showcase how nodes are communicating
        • Maybe inject a message into the rostopic manually
      • Post Alpha (Hugo)
        • Moving on, what features are we going to build on after the alpha? eg. Missing features, and features we wish to improve
      • GitHub (Nick)
        • All tabs should be already opened
        • Showcase timesheet.
        • Showcase our branches
        • Showcase wiki briefly
      • Conclusion (Matt)
        • Sell the product
        • Sell the team
        • Wrap up the presentation
      • Q&A (EVERYONE)
        • Situation 1: Shay asks someone to answer
        • Situation 2: If you know the answer, step in and give it confidently

Action Items

Member Task
All Generate key discussion points for each member's allocation section of the presentation and inform Matthew by WEDNESDAY
All Explore potential Q&A backup slides for discussion at next meeting
Michael, Nick, Tommy Carry on work with integration of prototypes
Matthew Work on presentation slides for Thursday and Friday. Work on Documentation
James, Hugo Update world design - make it more 'home'-like
Bert Create a new dice-roller for producing events regarding the Entertainment Robot
Akshay Update project plan with resource re-allocations

Monday 11 August, 2014


  • Present:
    • Akshay, Bert, Matthew, Michael, Nick, Tommy, James
  • Absent:
    • Hugo


  • Showcasing of current progress on alpha.
  • Reminder: Week 5 and week 6 presentation are on Tuesday instead of Thursday.
  • Discussed contents for alpha presentation:
    • Akshay and Matthew will provide further detail about this on the next meeting.

Action Items

Member Task
Michael, Nick, Tommy Work on the communication and navigation between robots when events occurs
Matthew Work on presentation slides for Thursday and Friday. Work on documentation if possible
James Work on robot design for stage
Akshay Work on documentation and design options write up
Bert Work on documentation and design options write up. Look into class hierarchy for ROS (low priority)

Friday 8 August, 2014


  • Present:
    • Akshay, Bert, Hugo, Matthew, Michael, Nick, Tommy, James


  • Showcasing of implementations: Matthew's random events, Michael's polling model, Nick's navigation (incomplete), Shay/Bert's scheduler node.
  • Matthew suggested publisher/subscriber/method signatures should be declare at the top of each cpp file to prevent 'not declared in scope' compilation errors.
  • Shay discussed things we should look to work on this weekend:
    • Scheduler will have a priority queue implemented so that new events can be prioritised
    • For events with dependencies e.g. R1 -> R2 -> Res, R1 is to notify Scheduler, which notifies R2 to start
    • Assistant, Scheduler, Visitor are to publish and subscribe to the same topic
  • Michael, Tommy, Nick discussed (for the final) about how robots should behave when waiting for their turn to execute a task. It's awkward for a bunch of robots to be surrounding and waiting near the Resident. Tommy suggested only three at a time.
  • Hugo suggested random events should have a priority over scheduled events.
  • The house should be shaped such that the robots will have to turn to navigate itself around.
  • Matthew suggested the Resident should publish it's coordinates to the robots and when they are close enough they complete their task.
  • Bert suggested using the laser instead.
  • We decided not to worry about a class hierarchy until after we get the alpha running.

Action Items

Member Task
Michael Debug his prototype
Nick, Tommy Continue working on navigation
Matthew, Michael, Bert, Shay Work on overall node strucuture including random and scheduled events i.e. get a working alpha prototype going
Hugo, James Work on world file's new design

Wednesday 6 August, 2014


  • Present:
    • Akshay, Bert, Hugo, Matthew, Michael, Nick, Tommy, James


  • Discussed and designed the connection between Resident and other robots
  • Came up with the idea of creating a scheduler to communicate with other robots for scheduled events and resident robot communicates with other robots about random events - both via a common channel
  • James recorded the schedule and non-scheduled events.
  • Potential Topic ideas:
    • TaskRequest
      • id: int
      • type: int
    • TaskCompleted
      • id: int
      • type: int
  • Discussed every robot should have its own queue for the final version
  • When Friend and Entertainer robots accepts the task, they will come to the Resident and create a service. Resident will change its state from free to busy to be entertained (if the resident is free to being with).
  • Priority queue was discussed.
  • Members will pair up to create a prototype of the above to practice an approach and share what's good, bad, problems encountered.

Action Items

Member Task
All Pair up with another member to create a prototype to discuss at the next meeting

Tuesday 5 August, 2014


  • Present
    • Akshay, Bert, Hugo, Matthew, Michael, Nick, Tommy, James


  • Discussed design options:
    • Finalising the scope of the Alpha implementation including which robots to implement.
      • Resident Robot, Friend Robot, Entertainment Robot
    • Discussed which entity will manage / is responsible for dictating robot behaviour.
    • Explored the idea of having a master node such as a Scheduler which will be the interface between the resident and visitor/assistant robots

Action Items

Member Task
Bert Research the ability to display graphics in stage
Nick, Tommy Create a quick prototype showcasing simple robot navigation

Monday 4 August, 2014


  • Present
    • Akshay, Bert, Hugo, Matthew, Michael, Nick, Tommy, James


  • Discussed project plan:

    • Hugo to upload constraints document
    • Went through scope document added by James. Decided to develop these further as a team
    • Went through quality criteria added by Nick. No additions required
    • Scope: include a part on 'changes in scope'.
    • Matthew and Bert to add additional column to risk analysis describing what we plan to do if risk described occurs.
  • Everyone has signed up to Slack

  • Assigned people to tasks in Gantt chart

  • Next meeting scheduled for 12pm, Tuesday 5th August

  • Hugo and James to have their role changed from planning to design

  • Everyone to go over project plan as is and identify anything they think should be changed

  • Discussed how to export Gantt chart for handing in with project plan. No conclusion reached

  • Decided presentations will be done by 2 different groups of 4 who will alternate weeks.

    • This week: Matthew, Bert, Tommy, James

Action Items

Member Task
All Go over project plan and find anything they think should be changed
Hugo Upload constraints to wiki including the changes discussed
James Create benefits page for project plan
James Update scope page
James, Tommy, Bert Go over slide for presentation
Matthew Make presentation slide
Matthew Update Risk Analysis table to include the changes discussed

Friday 1 August, 2014


  • Present
    • Akshay, Bert, Hugo, Matthew, Michael, Nick, Tommy
  • Absent
    • James (explained)


  • Went through tasks that were delegated to each member from the last meeting

  • Further discussed what should be in the project plan:

    • Executive Summary
    • Quality Criteria / Assurance
  • Continued on scheduling and estimating task time for Gantt Chart

Action Items

Member Task
All Become familiar with your designated role
All Brainstorm possible design architecture and solutions to model the elderly care simulation
Hugo Upload constraints to wiki including the changes discussed
James Upload scope to wiki
Matthew Write the executive summary, upload to wiki
Matthew Update Risk Analysis table to include the changes discussed
Nick Write the quality criteria of the plan, upload to wiki
Tommy Finish off Gantt chart

Thursday 31 July, 2014


  • Present
    • Akshay, Bert, James, Hugo, Matthew, Michael, Nick, Tommy


  • Went through the draft requirements analysis to gain a group consensus
  • Decided to use an example professional report, the "Odessa Mobile Technology Project", as a reference for our own project plan
  • Highlighted a potential future design decision: Master robot vs. Swarm mentality
  • Agreed on a few assumptions:
    • When the resident becomes ill, nurses will arrive to provide healthcare
    • When the resident becomes severely ill, a doctor and nurses will arrive to take the resident to the hospital
    • Robots will know the layout of the house, so they do not have to search their environment
    • Robots will travel on a fixed path
  • Decided that a few tasks where out of scope:
    • Implementing a collision system
    • Dealing with travel to and from the hospital
  • We then went to visit Bruce at his office. He clarified that:
    • We are officially allowed to decide on the projects scope
    • If an element of the system is declared "out of scope" in our project plan but he disagrees, the team will not be penalized. We will be required to explain our position however
    • Our example report was an decent representation of what he expected
    • That our tasks should be broken down to the lowest level possible and that the time taken to complete them can be just an estimate
  • We decided that more frequent meetings would be beneficial for rapid progress if they took on 1 of 2 styles:
    • Working meetings
    • Catch up meetings

Action Items

Member Task
Shay Set up the communication tools for the project and document what they are on wiki
Michael Write the assumptions section of the plan, upload to wiki
Hugo Write the constraints section of the plan, upload to wiki
Bert Write the risks section of the plan, upload to wiki
James Write the scope section of the plan, upload to wiki
Tommy Take a stab at the GANTT chart for the plan, upload to wiki

Tuesday 29 July, 2014


  • Present
    • Akshay, Bert, James, Hugo, Matthew, Michael, Nick, Tommy


  • Checked that everyone successfully completed beginner ROS tutorials
  • Agreed to create a separate branch in Git for documentation materials
  • Agreed to use 2-dimensional labelling on GitHub issues (severity + topic)
  • Matt shared overview plan for presentation on Thursday 31 July, will finish making slides
  • Presenters for presentation on Thursday 31 July.
    • Shay (Introduction)
    • Hugo (What we've done)
    • Nick (Current difficulties)
  • Agreed on some high-level requirements, for example:
    • People will have health, hunger, loneliness quantities that will decay over time (with a combination of constant and probabilistic decay)
  • Hugo and James will create a requirements document
  • Assigned aspects of ROS to members:
    • Stage - Bert
    • roslaunch and related build tools – Michael
    • Navigation - Nick and Tommy
    • Services - Matt
    • Messages - Shay
  • Tuesday meeting time changed to 10am for Weeks 3 & 4
    Meeting times have since been changed to Monday 10am (during the cancelled 306 class) and Thursday 1pm

Action Items

Member Task
Shay Create documentation branch in Git
Michael Add information about labelling to the Git Workflow Guide
Matt Finish making slides for presentation on Thursday 31 July
Shay, Hugo, Nick Get familiar with Matt's presentation slides
Hugo, James Create requirements document
All (except Hugo, James) Become experts in assigned aspect of ROS

Friday 25 July, 2014


  • Present
    • Akshay, Bert, James, Hugo, Matthew, Michael, Nick, Tommy


  • Initial temporary roles were assigned. Shay to add roles to the wiki.
  • Group agrees to work through the ROS tutorials in order to gain a better understanding of the brief.
  • Group agrees to individually brainstorm what each of the main sections or the brief are referring to so that the group can discuss these together next meeting.
  • Bert suggest using the Boost testing framework for C++
  • Nick will create a style guide in the Wiki for C++.
  • Shay will create a style guide in the Wiki for Python (2.7)
  • Michael will create a Git workflow for team members to follow.
  • James is going to create a broad project plan on Microsoft project.

Action Items

Member Task
All Research ROS and work through ROS tutorials
Nick Create a Style Guide for C++ in the wiki
Shay Create a Style Guide for Python in the wiki
Michael Create a wiki page to outline a general Git workflow and Git related instructions
James Create a broad project plan on Microsoft project

Tuesday 22 July, 2014


  • Present
    • Akshay, Michael, Tommy, Matthew, Bert, Nick
  • Absent
    • James (explained), Hugo (explained)


  • Akshay assigned as group leader
  • Akshay sets up GitHub
  • Nick agrees to email Bruce Macdonald team details
  • Akshay sets up Google Drive
  • Decided that a weekly meeting will be held Tuesdays at 12:00pm
  • Nick will email Bruce Macdonald about which C++/Python and ROS version
  • Team will source Microsoft Project from dreamspark
  • Team will look for a C++ testing framework

Action Items

Member Task
All Download and install a copy of Microsoft Project 2013
All Ensure access to git repo hosted on GitHub. Clone and push any changes as required
James, Hugo Add university IDs to the readme file
Clone this wiki locally