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Ryzom Core Wiki edited this page Jul 8, 2024 · 57 revisions

title: NeL 3D description: published: true date: 2023-03-16T22:57:05.191Z tags: editor: markdown dateCreated: 2021-06-25T01:47:17.002Z

The NeL 3D library comprises world surface representations for content movement and collision management for both server and client applications. It also includes 3D audio and video rendering modules that are used exclusively on the client. Have a look at the list of features!

Its objective is to provide an architecture framework for housing the code modules required for representing a virtual universe, and its contents, in 3D.

Nevrax initially developed the code modules required to represent the universe that their product is based around. The requirements for this universe includes animated characters, objects and special effects in a variety of environments including undulating terrain, towns and the insides of buildings. With time the list of code modules included in the NeL 3D library will swell to encompass all standard world and content representations.

NeL's 3D library is structured in components built on top of a common driver layer. The development team has built an OpenGL and DirectX implementation of the driver layer.


The 3D library is implemented in the following three layers.

Layer 3: High Level Layer

Layer 3 provides support for spatial manipulation and the necessary interfaces to create the whole scene, and modify it according to the model of the universe. It manages the scene graph depending of the needs of the environment.

Modification of the layer 3 is reserved to changes in the whole predicate on which the NeL library is based, as it is where objects are created and removed, their properties altered, according to the necessities of the 3D universe.

Portal based streets and interiors

The NeL engine provides a complete solution for clipping indoor scenes using clusters and portals.

Layer 2: Object Layer

Layer 2 implements the various objects (landscapes, meshes light and so on) and rendering.

Modification to layer 2 occurs only when new object types are added, such as special different landscape representations, different styles of animation, and so on.


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Objects and characters


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Text Rendering

Particle Systems

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Screen Space Effects

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Layer 1: Driver Layer

Layer 1 implements the effective 3D operations. This is highly API and platform-dependent.

The driver implements the effective 3D operations. This is highly API and platform-dependent. Modification of the driver should be very rare, as it is the most stable part of the NeL 3D library. New extensions to OpenGL or new drivers will require intervention in this layer.



Data Export

Nevrax used 3ds Max to develop their 3D layout data. The data is exported by a set of plug-ins.

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