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Ryzom Core Wiki edited this page Jul 8, 2024 · 4 revisions

title: Log Displayer description: published: true date: 2023-03-16T22:59:07.199Z tags: editor: markdown dateCreated: 2022-03-07T13:32:48.109Z

A displayer is an output destination for logging. NeL provides several useful displayers by default. You have the ability to create a myriad of custom displayers to suit whatever your needs may be. For network services (any NeL application that inherits from IService or uses the NLNET_SERVICE_MAIN macro) you can configure which displayer to use by using the "WindowStyle" configuration variable.

Name Style Description
StdDisplayer NONE (default on Unix) This is a displayer that outputs to the standard output (console.)
WinDisplayer WIN (default on Windows) This displayer uses MFC to format logging in a readable console. This displayer works on Windows only.
GtkDisplayer GTK (not compiled by default) This displayer uses GTK to format logging primarily for Linux.
MemDisplayer N/A This displayer displays into memory and can be dumped after, if necessary.
FileDisplayer N/A This displayer displays output into a text file.
MsgBoxDisplayer N/A This displays a string of text to a message box. This displayer works on Windows only.
NetDisplayer N/A This displays logging to a logging service through the NLNET "LOG" message.

WinDisplayer on Windows running the Naming Service

missing image {.is-danger}

GtkDisplayer on Linux running the Naming Service

missing image {.is-danger}

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