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Ryzom Core Wiki edited this page Jul 8, 2024 · 19 revisions

title: Install Patchman description: published: true date: 2023-03-16T22:55:54.095Z tags: editor: markdown dateCreated: 2020-02-15T06:41:38.014Z

You can install Patchman on any new server that requires it, once you have prepared your server and installed all dependencies.

Initial deployment of Patchman to a server box

Each new server requires a manual initial install of Patchman. The assumed base directory is /home/nevrax, using the nevrax user that was created during the server preparation.


Under admin_install\patchman, edit the patchman_list. Add an additional line containing the domain followed by the server hostname. You can have multiple domains on a single box, if necessary. The following example will run the patchman configuration on hostname demo and open.

// domain hostname
open demo
open open

If your new host is responsible for serving patches, then special_patchman_list should be updated as well. This example will run the patchman_service.open_bridge.cfg and patchman_service.open_spm.cfg services on hostname open, a VM for administration utilities, which happens to have the domain name as hostname for convenience.

// domain_service hostname
open_spm open
open_bridge open

If you haven't prepared any of the .cfg files under admin_install\patchman yet, simply copy them from their respective templates, and update the hostnames to point to the server that will serve the patches.

TODO: Replace this process with just one CSV file domain,hostname,service (e.g. open,demo,spa, open,open,spm, etc.), and a Python script that generates all the cfg files for the current host upon admin launch, and returns the list to the existing shell script, so no cfg files have to be made manually.

On the Windows build box, run the following build pipeline command. --admininstall

This will create or update the admin_install.tgz archive under Y:\ryzomcore\pipeline\bridge_server.


Upload patchman_service_local.cfg from admin_install into /home/nevrax and edit the hostname in the config file to match the hostname of the server (e.g., demo, not the FQDN).

Upload Y:\ryzomcore\pipeline\bridge_server\admin_install.tgz to /home/nevrax on the server box and extract it there.

tar zxvf admin_install.tgz

Chmod the contents of /home/nevrax/bin and /home/nevrax/patchman to be executable.

chmod -R +x bin
chmod -R +x patchman

Browse to /home/nevrax/bin and run ./startup. This will launch the Patchman services as configured for this server box.

cd bin

Patchman services store their configuration data under /home/nevrax/[domain], /home/nevrax/[domain]_bridge and /home/nevrax/[domain]_spm, depending on the configuration.

The Patchman services can be stopped using ./admin stop. You can use screen -r to monitor the Patchman services manually.

While you haven't added the server to the server park configuration yet, you may see the debug message getHost failed for hostName. If this issue persists, ensure you've correctly setup the DNS lookup of your servers. {.is-info}


Deploy Server Patch

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