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Ryzom Core Wiki edited this page Jul 8, 2024 · 6 revisions

title: Pushing to production description: published: true date: 2023-03-16T22:57:41.524Z tags: editor: markdown dateCreated: 2022-03-06T02:40:01.987Z

From "Mise en prod.doc".

Mini web site:

Current address http://redacted:40916//installer/client_install_fr.htm CVS R:/code/ryzom/client_instal/www/client_install

The url must be contained in \\dailyclient\nevrax\output\patch\client_launcher_url.txt.

If you want a mini site for a particular patch version


Stats tools

Saving in the database

To be installed at Gameforge

CVS R:/code/ryzom/www/stats Url put in client_default.cfg: InstallStatsUrl = "http://r2linux03/stats/stats.php";

At the top of the stats.php file are the information related to the database (to be modified or include a config.php)

Tools for viewing stats

Current address http://r2linux03/stats_query/stats_query.php To install at gf WITH an htaccess to limit the access to the data.

CVS R:\code\ryzom\www\stats_query.

At the top of the file stats_query.php are the information about the database (to be modified or include a config.php)

Stat DB

Current address ([[redacted]) The launch of mysql must be done manually.

A dump of the database structure is in R:/code/ryzom/src_v2/client_install/www/struct.sql


Prerequisite: Have a server with Debian BitTorrent packages installed, a firewall configured, public ip. See with [[redacted]\ or Google how it works.

Creation of the torrent

Load the client_install.vcproj project Build make_torrent.exe Bind O:/ with daily client Launch from O: with as 1st parameter the desired version, with as 2nd parameter the tracker address example:

TORRENT_EXE = R:\code\ryzom\src_v2\client_install\Release\make_torrent.exe
cd O:/
%TORRENT_EXE% 160 http://r2linux03:7969/announce 

This will create O:/patch/00177/ryzom_00177.torrent

if the torrent is present on the CVS then the installer will automatically propose the choice to download via torrent. {.is-warning}

Tracker configuration

You have to copy the torrent previously created in the directory $PREFIX/torrents then restart the server

ps aux | grep /usr/bin/bttrack |  awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill

/usr/bin/bttrack --port 7969 --dfile $PREFIX/var/dstate --logfile $PREFIX/log/tracker.log --allowed_dir $PREFIX/torrents --show_names 1 &

Once the advertiser is up you can see its status on its web page http://r2linux03:7969/announce

Then you have to launch a seeder(s) that will provide the clients.

Configuration of an initial seeder (contains the repository)

You must indicate the location of the repository. It is necessary to specify which torrent is used.

btdownloadheadless --saveas $PREFIX/data/patch --responsefile $PREFIX/torrents/ryzom_00160.torrent

Configuration of a pure seeder (does not contain the repository)

It's a machine that only does torrenting.

Just run the same script as the initial seeder but with an empty saveas directory: they will download the missing data via the torrent protocol

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